After having a physical relationship with your partner, you may know that you will be pregnant soon and have your baby. Pregnancy occurs when the fertilized ovum is attached to the womb wall (uterus), usually occurs within ten days of conception.
But, no one told you about the pregnancy symptoms that come after conception. Since you have no clue about the symptoms, it gets difficult for you to confirm your pregnancy at home. Don’t worry now! Cause we have compiled a list of the most common early signs of pregnancy to help you confirm your pregnancy.
However, before you get to know early pregnancy symptoms, you must know when they start. This way you will be alert about when to start looking for signs of pregnancy.
The symptoms of pregnancy only appear after the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus lining. Thus, it takes a week or two after conception for pregnancy symptoms to appear. Every pregnancy is different and not the perfect replica of other women’s pregnancies.
In many cases, the symptoms appear closer to four or five weeks after conception. Surprisingly, some pregnant women do not even feel symptoms until their period is delayed, or even farther into pregnancy.
Just as there is no similarity in the timing of the appearance of pregnancy symptoms in two separate individuals, the pregnancy symptoms also cannot be the same. Of course, a few symptoms can be shared by both pregnant women. But, it’s highly unlikely that their symptoms would replicate each other’s symptoms.
These are the most common symptoms of pregnancy which are going to appear soon and bring good news along with them:
A common pregnancy symptom is a strong desire to eat something. This desire is so strong that it is hard to resist eating what you crave. Usually, they appear around the 5th week of pregnancy. Cravings are accompanied by a strong sense of smell as well.
Just a gentle reminder, these are not sure-shot signs of pregnancy. We will tell you some other signs that you should look out for along with cravings and a strong sense of smell.
During pregnancy, no woman can escape the nuisance of hormonal changes in the body. Fluctuation of hormones –estrogen and progesterone– in your bloodstream can affect your mood. You might experience happy feelings one minute and cry the next.
Prolonged mood swings make you prone to depression and anxiety. There are certain ways to protect yourself from mood swings during pregnancy and avoid depression and anxiety.
Commonly encountered in the first pregnancy trimester, morning sickness is another pregnancy sign. Its symptoms are nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is a normal incident during pregnancy. But, if your daily vomiting count is 10-12 per day; it’s a big reason to worry.
Frequent vomiting leads to severe dehydration and both your and your baby’s health can get affected. Obviously, it’s something you don’t want. So, it’s best if you know how to control vomiting during pregnancy.
A woman may have to take multiple trips to the bathroom. It happens because the urge to urinate rises during pregnancy. If you observe closely, you will realize that the frequency of urination is more at night. It happens because the blood circulation is higher and thus your kidneys need to work harder.
If there is a burning sensation when urinating, contact your doctor/gynecologist as soon as possible.
If your period cycle was always uniform, but after having intercourse suddenly you have missed a period, it is a sign that you’re pregnant. In such a case, you should rush for a pregnancy test. The chances of receiving good news are much higher.
Last but not least, enlarged breasts are a noticeable sign of pregnancy. You may notice that your breast size has changed and some blue veins appear around the breast area. The increased blood flow in your breast during pregnancy causes enlargement within a week of conception or after six weeks.
These are the six early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. If you happen to observe 2 or more symptoms at once, then you must consider taking a pregnancy test. You most probably will be getting a positive result.
Some other pregnancy symptoms apart from the ones mentioned above are bloating, light spotting, cramping, constipation, and nasal congestion.
The above-mentioned signs cannot confirm pregnancy on their own but they can give you a hint that now is the time to take a pregnancy test. If your pregnancy test is positive, then be happy cause there is no feeling better than the feeling of becoming a mother.
As a mother, you obviously want the best for your baby. And you would do everything for your baby’s well-being after birth. But, what if we tell you that by staying happy and positive during pregnancy, you can ensure your baby’s proper development even before birth?
Ancient Indian Garbh Sanskar practice is the best way to stay happy and positive during pregnancy. By your well-being, the baby in the womb will also acquire great qualities like calmness, health, and intelligence.
To be a part of the Garbh Sanskar course, download the Krishna Coming Garbh Sanskar app right now.
Q1. What are the 10 signs of pregnancy?
These are 10 early signs of pregnancy you might notice:
● Missed period
● Nausea
● Frequent urination
● Tender, swollen breasts
● Fatigue
● Moodiness
● Food cravings
● Increased sense of smell
● Light spotting and cramping
● Digestive problems
Q2. How early can symptoms of pregnancy start?
Pregnancy symptoms can start as early as 10 days after conception when the fertilized egg first attaches itself to the uterine lining. This can cause light spotting. Other symptoms, like tender breasts and sensitivity to smell, can also occur.
Q3. How can I tell if I'm pregnant after 1 week?
You may notice some light spotting as implantation occurs, or you might have other early signs of pregnancy such as smell sensitivity, fatigue, and breast tenderness.
Q4. Can you feel pregnant after 2 days?
No, it takes at least five days for the pre embryo to be implanted in the uterine lining. You’ll only notice signs of pregnancy after implantation has been completed.